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Reckona is the recruitment calculator designed specifically for UK businesses.


Calculate charge and pay rate, markup and margin in seconds. Compare rates inside IR35 and outside of IR35 and be on top of current employment legislation. Reckona factors in statutory recruitment costs including National Insurance, pension contributions, holiday accrual and more, to make those tricky calculations a thing of the past.

Updated with legislation, Reckona is an essential tool for today’s recruiter, HR professional or business owner. It provides a transparent, accurate and accessible breakdown of hiring costs.

Users may subscribe using the Apple ID associated with their Apple App Store account by using the relevant process on this Application. When doing so, Users acknowledge and accept that
• any payment due shall be charged to their Apple ID account;
• subscriptions are automatically renewed for the same duration unless the User cancels at least 24 hours before the current period expires;
• any and all fees or payments due for renewal will be charged within 24-hours before the end of the current period;
• subscriptions can be managed or cancelled in the Users’ Apple App Store account settings.

Terms and conditions: https://www.reckona.co.uk/terms/

Privacy policy: https://www.reckona.co.uk/privacy-policy/

Support: https://www.reckona.co.uk/contact-us/

If you have any problems, comments or suggestions for improving our app, please contact us at [email protected]